Saturday, May 16, 2015

Pain pain go away essential oils blend

I was diagnosed with Lupus about 6 months ago, the pains and aches related to it aren't pleasant.
I have turned to my essential oils, main reason I started on them, I have found that they help ease the pain and here is the list I have come up with.

For the inflammation
the following oils work wonders:
Wintergreen, Copaiba, Vetiver, Nutmeg, Palo santo, Clove, Roman chamomile, peppermint, melaleuca and Idaho blue spruce.

For the chronic pain:
Wintergreen, Helichrysum, clove, peppermint, palo santo, oregano, copaiba, idaho blue spruce, frankincense and vetiver.

From the common oils that I had on hand I made the following pain/inflammation bomb =)

20 drops Peppermint
30 Copaiba
30 Wintergreen
20 Nutmeg
20 Palo santo

I have diluted this on 2Tbsp of liquid coconut oil and voila!  I use a spritzer bottle that works a lot better than a roll on.

I just order vetiver, Roman chamomile and Idaho blue spruce too, this mix has worked wonderfully and I look forward to your experience with it.

Are you interested in trying the essential oils?
The new starter kit coming in June is AMAZING!!!

Comes with 10 everyday oils: Digize, Lemon, peppermint, frankincense, Lavender, RC, pan away, Thieves, Copaiba and purification, an extra gift oil, 10  sample bottles for you to make your own samples and blends.
If you order your kit through me, I'll gift you the Reference pocket book (the bible, lol)


Sunday, May 3, 2015

Running the Divas half

Divas half marathon

I'm back! I can run again and I proved it to myself!
I'm amazed by the things your mind talks you out of, every time I have a thought about becoming an athlete, about running a marathon or my new obsession of doing a Triathlon, my mind tries to talk me out of it!
Why do I listen? Why do I allow her to put me down? “You can't do it, you're too fat, you're too slow, you're never going to be good enough....” as my friend Joel said “Delete button with those thoughts”.
I know I can do it, when I first started Crossfit I had the same mind setting “ Oh no, I can't do that” and every time I ended up doing it.... this will be no different.

I've been running here and there since January, with my max running distance of 4 miles on very very good days! You have to start somewhere, I need a race pressure to train so we went to Galveston and it was soooo much fun! I had pain for my shin splints that seem to never go away and was really worried about it, ended up buying another pair of shoes that were different than any other pair I've had... they measured my feet and asked me to buy a size bigger than what I usually buy, that was shocking!

We ran straight till about mile 8, I had pain in the first 2 miles then it went away!

We finished in 2h 52min according to my watch, 2h56 in their clock.... I'm trying hard to remember I'm just starting again, I can not pretend to be in the 2h12min I did my previous half.

I'm giving myself a year …. it will take time, it will take sweat and tears, but I'll become the athlete I never thought I could be... you just watch me do it =)

  We did it!!