Monday, March 30, 2015

Enough inspiration

And that is me in 2013.... both pics on the left.... then that's me 3 weeks ago on the right.
Is that inspiration to loose it enough?

Sunday, March 29, 2015

It took a Donut

It took a Donut

Let me start by mention that I'm looking at my daily point allowance like they're money;  you get $26 a day,  you have some extra $49 a week and if you workout then you can start a savings account with the money you make for that.

     Yesterday morning on our way to a 5K my friend asked me to stop by the Donut shop so I did, I was not planning on eating a donut specially after I realized a donut was going to cost me 7 precious points; ain't nobody got points for dat! LOL at the moment we're ordering I felt pressure to get a donut, she convinced me that if I was going to run then I could have a donut, so I bought it =( and I eat it, while I was eating it I knew in every byte I took that I was doing wrong; I don't even like donuts to begin with!

   Later I saw it like a waste of money, hard earned money... now I'll have to borrow money from my weekly allowance account to get me trough the day... if I keep making bad choices I'll find myself in debt, I don't like to use my savings account (activity points) so it's time to stop making the wrong choices.

    Today is a new day, my entire delicious breakfast was 6 points and I was so very happy with it; 2 pieces of toast, scrambled egg whites with egg beaters, half avocado and 2 slices of turkey bacon... all for less than a single donut! Can you believe what a waste of a breakfast I had yesterday? Lesson learned, I'm not doing that again!

Thursday, March 26, 2015

Wake up YOU!


That moment when you realize you're not 26 anymore, not hot anymore... you're becoming invisible to everyone else but yourself.... and what you see ain't pretty! All I see in the mirror is a belly that does not fit in the size 6 clothes hanging in my closet.
That's when it needs to stop! I will NOT buy size 10-12 jeans, no, I will not!

One more time I joined weight watchers... Myfitness pall is not pressure enough for me, looks like I need to pay people to push me to loose weight, just like I do with my running! I have to sign up for a race to get back on track and hit the road.

Last tuesday I went to my first meeting in town, I saw a 65ish year old woman giving the introduction  and I realize I want to become her! I want to be standing in a room encouraging people, I want to be the inspiration I want to be the success story, I don't want to be the one who did not loose the weight, I want to be her, the one who lost it and kept it off.... I did it once and I'll do it again.

My plan?
Log it all, plan my meals and hit the road.